Madgicx reviews

Madgicx reviews

Advertising , marketing and strategies to take your business to another level is the new trend and the best thing about it is that it is valid for people of all ages. You no longer need to be a great entrepreneur to stand out among the most famous businesses , now you just need to use the right tools at the right time and let them take care of the rest.

This is the time when many platforms are dedicated to providing their support services to SMEs that want to take a step towards success . Many of these digital marketing platforms have gradually grown to become famous for all the features they offer; from advertising , networking and tips that will be extremely useful in your business growth .


Among the most prominent are Madgicx used by small , medium and even large companies , also by advertising agencies and entrepreneurs ; local businesses , e-commerce and potential customers also do not escape from Madgicx.

Madgic x

What is Madgicx?

It is mainly known as a digital platform from omnicanal marketing , where customers communicate with the supplier company through different channels of their preference . It relies on the use of the artificial intelligence , taking also into account the creative intelligence and uses its buying capabilities for the Facebook ads , Instagram and Google .

Madgicx was founded in 2018 with an almost immediate success . Used by advertisers who rely on data that do not waste a minute of their time by optimizing them manually . Hire the services of Madgicxes as a kind of super special company with a unique and innovative software .

When you discover and address new audiences you can use the AI technology ; it has 27 audiences created based on a ERFM model . Once you have seen the different audiences you can combine the most similar ones and combine them into a single one, who will have very similar data and thus drive and let flow his ROAS .

Madgicx does not have a free version , however it allows its new users to try the demo test and once completed make a decision. The Madgicxp software can be installed on Mac , Windows and even on cell phones whose operating system is originally Android . Your support for your requirements can be in person, online , trainings through webinars and documentation to further your knowledge.

Although Madgicx seems to be the software of all entrepreneurs’ dreams and having a modest $49 plan he has quite a strong competition; able to put aside Madgicx while offering you a more complete software. Among them is ,which is certainly worth a look.


But you have more and better options:


However, there’s this Instagram growth service called ‘ BeardSocial ,’ which is pretty much similar to Kicksta. The only and the most significant difference is, BeardSocial is not a tool.

BeardSocial runs by real people with real mobile devices.

When we sign up with them, they log into our Instagram from one of their mobile devices. That brings down the risk of getting noticed for automation to zero.

Then they will like, follow, Watch Stories, Watch Instagram reels of the niche-related people. These organic interactions will bring the attention of other Instagram users. This way, we can organically make others aware of our Instagram appearance.

BeardSocial is a company frequently used and recommended by experts.

It offers a wide range of Instagram growth-related functions at a cost depending on your needs. They have 3 pricing tiers. Starting from $ 59.99 / month, $ 79.99 / month and $ 99.99 / month.

As per them, these pricing plans are formulated, keeping in mind individuals and businesses with different growth needs.

And there’s more to it.

BeardSocial offers a 14-day free trial. Yes, there’s no risk at all. With their free trial, anyone with a valid PayPal can test their service for free for a whopping 14 days.

We have tested the service from for months and can confirm that they do what they promise. We have seen the real and targeted growth of our Instagram. Even during the time for free trial, our Instagram started showing signs of sustainable and steady growth.

And BeardSocial is fantastic with their support as well. They not just grow your Instagram. But also, they come up with possible fine-tunes to your current Instagram approach.

Their suggestions and timely advice are excellent, and all their expert suggestions were aligned with our Instagram needs.

So, we are happy to say, you still can grow your Instagram without automating!

If you are interested in what BeardSocial may have for you, follow the link below and enjoy your free trial.

And make sure to share your experiences here once you use their service for a while.

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